Selected Deals


  • Target
    BWise B.V.
  • Our Role
    Advisor to seller
  • Seller and Location
    Private shareholders of BWise B.V., Netherlands
  • Activity
    Global leader in enterprise governance, risk management and compliance (GRC) software
  • Acquiror / Investors and Location
    The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc., United States
  • Activity
    Inventor of the electronic exchange; fuels economies and provides transformative technologies for the entire lifecycle of a trade
  • Description of Transaction
    Advised the NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc., the world’s largest exchange company, on the acquisition of BWise B.V., a Netherlands-based compliance and risk management software provider. BWise’s GRC platform will be sold through NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions, a software technology business dedicated to helping companies minimize risk, maximize efficiency and increase transparency. Assisted in evaluating strategic alternatives and structuring and negotiating a complex, cross-border transaction. This acquisition will enable NASDAQ OMX to further its long-term strategy of offering valuable products and services to publicly listed and private companies.